I decided to finally try and do instead of just think about doing. And so this blog was born. I hope to bring some awareness to overlooked or misunderstood subjects. I will use this blog as a soundboard of everday frustrations, memorable learning experiences and other links of interests during my posts. Some the subjects that will be covered will touch my family personally. Expect those posts to be lively to say the least. Other will be of light nature and to be considered as a moment of pure childishness. Hope those who visit find something useful and enjoy their time spent.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I got a new toy! I got a new toy! - "Acer Aspire One D250-1821"...

I was forced to go off-line, again. The family computer had seen better days. After 3 "Blue Screens" in a row, I almost threw it out the window. My darling husband, however, could no longer look at my sad little face and came home on Friday with a wonderful toy. A new "Acer Aspire One D250-1821".

It took me almost 2 hours before I actually turned it on. I wanted to make sure I understood everything this little power house offered. And I crossed my fingers that I would not be disappointed. After more than 5 weeks of search for all required applications and a few extras for the wish list, I was staying grounded as far as expectations go. But the big "D" didn't happen. I've been smiling ever since I pushed the 'on' button.

The display is crystal clear, even for a blind bat like me. The initial start-up & set-up is a breeze for any computer novice who's surfed for a few years or a few months. Still, do read all instructions as for any new electronic/non-electronic device.

I've gone as far as setting up an external hard drive to view old digital pix and documents. The AOAD250-1821 is a sweet piece of equipment. It's compatible with every application I've run on a full size laptop. I've had problems in the past regarding router set-up for our home wireless network. Not with this net-book. I only had to open up the network setup application, put in our password and I was ready to update the provided full anti-virus program by Mcfee (60-day trial) and I was ready to start a month's worth of catching up, in one week. I'm now on Day 4. And I've yet to have any glitch or problem with my new toy.

All basic programs, provided with my net-book, are familiar to me, which aided with the transition to a different model of computer. Again, I state this was a wonderful choice. I do recommend to anybody in the market for a useful yet inexpensive net-book, either for yourself, your special other or the teenager on the move, put this model on the list. Personally, I don't think I'm done raveing about this little mini. Stay tuned...?

Help in Raising Funds for Your Local JDRF (Type I Diabetes)

Help your local Diabetes Association raise funds towards treatment of Type I/ Type II Diabetes. Since the invention of Insulin (by a canadian), not much advancement has been done in finding a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. Your donations could change this significantly.

Help today so one day, no child will have to live a life of daily injections, constant finger pokes and a future of health complications.

Make a donation at any local #JDRF. Every little bit helps.

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