There was a fatality a few nights back. Within just minutes of putting myself to bed, I heard a horrible commotion. Since only Oscar was still roaming the house, I jumped up with 'Bottle' in hand and headed towards the noise, that was getting louder and more frantic. As I got closer to the screeching/howling in the living-room, I could see my bookcase shaking violently and dirt flying from behind the bookcase. So I immediately went to move the 'thing' way from the wall and out shot Oscar, like his life was in danger. And indeed, it was. It seems that he had managed to cause alot of damage in a extremely limited period of time. I was able to trace his steps to near perfection, as Oscar had left plenty of evidence in his wake.
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It started with accounting receipts scattered on the kitchen flooring along with my electronic equipment for work. Then he continue on the the half-shelves, where my little statuettes escaped further damage but other paperwork and small trinkets ended up on the living-room floor. This is where it just seemed to go wrong for Oscar. He just managed to scale the crossover from shelf to bookcase, over the phone/phone books, and was going around the "Money Tree" and kid pics, when his big behind couldn't make complete clearance and the "Money Tree" fell behind the bookcase. This must have scared the living daylights out of Oscar because he ended up falling behind the bookcase, too. And that's where all the noise started from.
After I released him from his 'just desserts', I chased Oscar down in the Games Room. I didn't turn on the light as I thought I would find him by sound. But instead, I ended up stepping on his collar which had become caught in his front paw and became unattached like it was designed to. Glad to know it works; Oscar seemed quite pleased, also. 'Bottle' in hand, I went after the little
'*&#@!'. The chase lasted all of 5 minutes. In the end, I gave up, Oscar hide for awhile and my son ended up letting him sleep in his room.
This 'training' of Oscar is turning into a costly upbringing. Now I have to find another 'Money Tree'. Hopefully, one that works, this time...