I finally got things back under control (fingers crossed and such). So I'm going to try to condense the "progress" made by our 'darling, little' Oscar. First off, I wish to have a DNA test as to how old this feline really is? I've gone as far as to imagine that he was starved to stay small til he was given away. But that's just my paranoid self doing the thinking there. I'm just saying. This kitty isn't a kitty anymore. And he's just 4 months old. His playful attacks on the human calves was funny until he started to weigh over 5 pounds and grew an extra 1'1/2 more. He's become faster, more cunning, deadlier.
He stalks me, now. It can be almost scary. I thought giving him treats, every-other day, when he behaved, might help train him but Whiskas Cat Treats are "kitty krack". Those are some of my favorite commercials but now that I've seen the effect on Oscar, I just want to know what they put in the treat. He gets all crazy for this stuff. And don't get me started on his "Whiskas' Special Kitty Formula". He goes ape for those 'special crunchy tasty pockets'. They look an awful lot like the "kitty krack". Visually, anyway. I've tried to document the effect on our beloved (still developing -pea-brain) pet, but I need a video cam or find my web cam. He's that fast. So in the meantime....
He gets those huge pupils like this guy...
Then he starts doing 'super-kitty' things like flying...
That's where things turn ugly for the poor dogs who have invaded Oscar's house.
Whom he viciously attacked,(as seen on a local surveillance footage).
As Oscar checked for witnesses...
The camera was between frames for fractions of a second...
Yet, it was enough for Oscar to dispose of his tormentor and regain his domain without further challenge.
Whiska Cat Treats, go figure!
So yeah, anyway, I tell you about the "bling" collar another time then. Ciao, bellas!