He has managed to finally wear on my hubby's nerves (thank frickin' god). That only took forever. He could only take some many attacks to the back of legs. He is, after all, no slinky, anymore. My hubby, that is. So when Oscar decides to hunt all humans, without prejudice, my hubby is in immediate danger of injury. I do not wish him any harm of any kind, yet I can't help but silently laugh. I can't always be telling him to watch out for the mini-tiger, can I. That would be nagging. And I do enough of that, so I've heard. So he's starting to use the "Bottle".-(mentioned yesterday)
Baking, another side-effect to gloomy, cold weather. A need for the filling, hot and hardy dishes and deserts. So I've got a Shepard's pie to make from scratch, an apple pie to put together & in the oven after Shepard's Pie and then hope I can still last till 8pm. Keep in mind I'm up at 4 am every morning, including most of my days off (yes, noise is anything louder than my breathing). So after doing all my deliveries, a few of the daily chores, plan supper, shop for necessities, do Internet/email/blog stuff, I may not be able to focus on much except the inside of my eyelids. I usually force myself to stay awake for a special treat (IE: homemade pie).
...much later. 2 days to be exact, go figure.
The Shepard's Pie disappeared within the first round, changed the Apple Pie to large Golden Cake (frosting optional), and that's holding off the hubby, for now. Oscar is down for the count, and so is my boy, for different reasons. Both will be fine soon enough. The hubby is still in front of the XBox and I have another day in the bag.
I have to go back downtown for the rest of the supplies. Already been out 3 times! If one more person even looks at me sideways just 'cause they're having a bad day, we just might end up sharing that day, if you get my meaning. (Don't make me go back out there. Those people are not nice.)
Not that I except most to notice (it'd be nice..), I did find some quite time, now, to do some blog mukmuking around. Changed some items in the sidebar, upgraded the cool lists abit, hoping for a little input maybe.... Still trying to remember that I wish to label most of my posts immediately. Otherwise, I might seem to be repeating myself.
...another day later.
Remember: everybody is a closet-freak about something.
Trust me, I know
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