I decided to finally try and do instead of just think about doing. And so this blog was born. I hope to bring some awareness to overlooked or misunderstood subjects. I will use this blog as a soundboard of everday frustrations, memorable learning experiences and other links of interests during my posts. Some the subjects that will be covered will touch my family personally. Expect those posts to be lively to say the least. Other will be of light nature and to be considered as a moment of pure childishness. Hope those who visit find something useful and enjoy their time spent.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Did Oscar Do That?!?!...(Then There Were 3(three))

"Everyday is a new day." Who said it first, 'cause I want to pummel them with a big stick. It's certainly a fact Chez Sassylassy that things never go quite as planned or at all. Four nights ago, 2 young female kitties showed up on our deck and slept there. And they haven't left since. I don't know how but I'm positive that Oscar had something to do with it. He's been squatting at that backdoor for the last week or so. This is now creating quite the new problems and decisions to be made.

I had done pretty well at ignoring the meows at the door the first night. On the second night, the temperature dipped to -6 C so I put a folded towel outside the door, where the two ladies were curled up. The 3rd day found the two still at the door, with the Longhair Calico meowing a hungry 'Good Morning'. So, I was obligated to get the little critters some food, which Oscar wasn't too impressed about sharing. I was hoping that as it warmed up that day, the little girls would find their way home. Off to school went my boy and off to work I went.

When I returned around lunchtime, the felines were still at the door, quiet as can be, with an empty bowl beside them. A frigid wind was picking up and I knew that I could leave the babes as is outside if they weren't going to find their own way. I constructed a makeshift shelter (oops, on the small side) with a girl's best-friend, Duct Tape and a cardboard box. Then I put in a beach towel my boy donated to the cause and put it outside on the deck. Two hours later, the kitties still wouldn't go in, so I moved it up to the door. Sure enough, they were both in the tight spot within minutes. My boy tried to bargain about letting them in for the night because it was getting colder. Unfortunately for him, I'm getting 'crusty' in my old age, and would not allow him to bring them.

Well, my hubby (who was away, don't you know) came home yesterday afternoon, to the sight of the two ladies in the box. And he just melted into a big pool of mushy goodness. I had to leave right away and didn't think twice about having to lay down any ground rules. Boy, was I wrong!

I was only gone for one hour and came home to Oscar's excitement level at 100% because my hubby had brought the Longhair Calico into our 'comfy' home. (I do need to tell you the readers that I do love my hubby dearly. I'm stating this just in case it may not come through during some storytelling.) What the f*#K? And oh yeah, I Want A F*@kin Raise. I so was not thinking it would go that way. And if I had, it probably was only for a fraction of a second, because I truly thought I could 'head this one off at the pass.')

Within the hour, my boy figured it wasn't fair to leave the other feline outside so he went and scooped that one up as well. And now we are 6. That's right. 3 of Us and 3 of them. It's too late to put them back outside as my hubby had suggested (half-hearted) prior to bed. So, here we are the next day, and everybody involved is acting like this is normal. And I'm the crazy one, eh?

We are in discussion, as a family, regarding the outcome (only one possible) and choices (limited to none) of more pets. I've already confirmed that the Short-hair cream kitty is pregnant. 1) Return to owner within next 3/4 days or 2) take to Vet/Rescue Society as abandoned stray. We are not able to care for so much more responsibility times 4 or more. 'The Jury' is still out for the Longhair Calico. May end up keeping that gorgeous little lady as a companion for Oscar. She seems to be able to stand toe to toe with him.

I can tell you this much. My hubby did ask me first thing this morning how I had slept. And I had to respond "Great. I did sleep great." Although Oscar had been to areas he shouldn't have been and touching items he shouldn't been, while I slept but at least, he wasn't jumping all over my face.

The New Girls!
Until tomorrow, Peeps....

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