I decided to finally try and do instead of just think about doing. And so this blog was born. I hope to bring some awareness to overlooked or misunderstood subjects. I will use this blog as a soundboard of everday frustrations, memorable learning experiences and other links of interests during my posts. Some the subjects that will be covered will touch my family personally. Expect those posts to be lively to say the least. Other will be of light nature and to be considered as a moment of pure childishness. Hope those who visit find something useful and enjoy their time spent.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not Always The Cat Whisperer...(What the*&%#@ Is Oscar Doing?)

Day 22 without a cigarette. Giddy Up!
Anyhoe... It does seem that every-time somebody tries to quit smoking, everything in life is thrown at them so they keep reaching for that cigarette. I'm no different, in that sense. And it's no different, for me, this hundredth time of quitting. Yet, I'm doing it. And Oscar is still alive. Thank you, Nicorette.

I was in the process of marking my progress on a calendar pinned to the Games-room wall, when I noticed that I was being studied from below. As I looked past my arm to the floor, I was met by Oscar's "Puss-n-Boots" gaze. It put the hairs on the back of my neck straight up, putting me on high alert. I pretended not to notice him and was just finishing the update when I was wickedly mauled by Oscar. He had jumped from the floor to my out-stretched arm and was completely wrapped around, using all four legs. I could feel him apply the Death Squeeze that all animals of prey use on their victims.

I tried to shake Oscar off but he was on there pretty secure and had no intentions of giving up the fight he started. So I had no choice but to grab him by the back of the neck as though he was still a kitten being scolded by Mom Cat. It worked pretty quick and Oscar went limp until I released him on the ground. As soon as his paws hit the laminate floor, though, he was doing his trademark "Burnout" and down the hall he went. And this has just been one of many recent obvious, intentional attacks on behalf of our "whitle kitty-kat".

For those of you who have better things to do than read old posts, I was less than excited about having a pet in our 'comfortable' home. I b*&#@!d and complained about who was going to end up with the biggest load of work for said pet, which was shot down by denials and promises of responsibility from the rest of the family. And yet, I find myself imitating Captain Cook (of Peter Pan) dreading the 'jingle, jingle'(tick-tock), 24 hours a day. Seriously, I jest not.

Sorry, phone ringing... My hubby is out of town, which gives him priority over 'creative flow'. I did manage to tire Oscar out while holding a conversation with my hubby. And several hours later, I'm trying to getting that 'creative flow' going again. It's worth mentioning that while I was on the phone, Oscar hunted me through the house, into every room, trying to catch me by surprise. It was both comical and scary, and so many tense moments in between. I had to explain to my hubby that I needed to cover my fear with laughter or Oscar would attack, without mercy.

He's out cold and I'm going to bed. See everybody in the morning, I hope.

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